Ysc-104 osapanga dzimangira kupanga simenti
Ys-104 Kuchiritsa Chitsulo Chopanda Masamba Kudzayatsa Madzi a Simemer Ceregen Pamalo A GB / TE1761-1999 yodziwika ndi mawonekedwe aluso komanso opaleshoni yosavuta. Zojambula Zaukadaulo: 1.Power: Ac220v ± 10% 2 .... -
Tebulo lakuthwa kwa nkhungu
Tebulo lakuthwa kwa konkriti
Gome la GZ-75
- Kufotokozera kwa chinthu cha CEME CEME CORY APRARUUS Kuchita bwino kusanthula kusanalitsa kwa dokotala wa ku Portland, wukani simenti ya ku Portland, komanso simenti ya Portite. Kusautsa kolakwika kwa simenti Kuchita bwino kwa simenti kumapangidwa makamaka kwa sime, micro mota, cyclone ndi magetsi. Instructions for use: 1. Before the sieve analysis test, adjust the digital dis...
- Product Description Concrete Air Content Meter (Air Entrainment Meter) The concrete mixture gas content tester is suitable for measuring the gas content of the concrete mixture with aggregate particle size no greater than 40mm, gas content no greater than 10%, and slump, which conforms to the Ministry of Communications 94-07-06 “Highway All the prescribed methods of Engineering Cement Concrete Test Regulations comply with GBJ80-85 Standanity.Max Icac: 7l
- Product Description Cement Composition Tester CZF-6 type cement component testerAccording to the requirements of GB / T12960 standard, our company has developed and produced a new generation of CZF-6 cement composition tester. Chogulitsacho chili ndi ntchito yowonetsera yapa digito, magwiridwe antchito azokha, mawonekedwe oyenera, nthawi yowunikira, nthawi yowunikira ndi maubwino ena, mogwirizana ndi magawo a muyezo wa muyezo. Temperature control range: 0-60 ℃ (adjustabl...
- Product Description SZB-9 type automatic specific surface area measuring instrument According to the requirements of the new standard CBT8074-2008, the company and the National Building Materials Research Institute of Cement and New Materials Institute of Equipment and Equipment Quality Supervision, Inspection and Testing Center developed a new SZB-9 type cement specific surface area automatic measuring instrument. Makinawo amayendetsedwa ndi chip-chip-chip mucrocomputer ndipo amagwiritsidwa ntchito w ...