- Product Description CONSISTOMETER Vebe Testing Machine HCY-A Mixture Digital Display VeBe consistometerThis instrument is used to determine the Vebe consistency of concrete mixtures. Amagwiritsidwa ntchito kuwunika konkriti yotsalira ya osakaniza konkriti mkati mwa 10mm, kukula kwa tinthu tambiri ndi 40mm, yomwe imakumana ndi magawo a National, omwe amakumana ndi magawo a National: 1. Vibration frequency: 50 ± 3Hz2. Motor: 0.25KW 380V3. No-load amplitude: 0.5 ± 0.1mm
- Mafotokozedwe azogulitsa a Cretary Correte Verment Vutoment Chida cha konkriti ndioyenera mabizinesi omanga, mabungwe asayansi, mabungwe opanga ndi omanga ndi zomangamanga. Engaged in the measurement and experimental research of concrete performance. At the same time, it can also be used for the measurement and quality inspection of the permeability of building materials. Ntchito yaukadaulo: 1. Kukakamiza kokwanira: 5mmA ...
- Product Description JYF-96 series concrete accelerated curingCabinet Concrete Accelerator Curing Box Cabinet has been designed for accelerated concrete strength curing. Imakhala ndi thanki yam'manja yowirikiza kawiri ndi chivundikiro, mkati mwa chitsulo chosapanga dzimbiri, kunja kuchokera pa pepala lopaka kwapakati ndi pepala lapakatikati la ubweya wa michere. Different acceleration maintenance methods are adopted in the construction of this product. The compressive and flexural strength of th...
- Kufotokozera kwa malonda kukongoletsa chipinda chosalekeza ndi chinyezi chowongolera chowongolera chomwe zidazi ndi koyenera kukonza simenti ndi zonena za nyumba, misewu yayikulu, kafukufuku wasayansi komanso kuyendera. It has the advantages of convenient operation, automatic temperature and humidity control digital display, large negative ion humidification, and stainless steel water tank heating. 【Gawo laukadaulo】 Kutentha Kutentha ...
Sye-300 Electo-Hydraulic Makina oyesera
Kufotokozera kwa mankhwala Kuyambira Sye-300 electoil-hydraulic poyeserera kumayendetsedwa ndi gwero lamphamvu la hydraulic mphamvu, ndikutengera mphamvu yanzeru ndi chida chowongolera kuti musonkhanitse ndi kukonza deta. It consists of test host, oil source (hydraulic power source), measurement and control system, and test equipment. Mphamvu yayikulu kwambiri ndi 300Kn, ndi kulondola kwa makina oyeserera ndikwabwino kuposa level 1. Sye-300 electoil-hydraulic kukakamiza m ... - Kufotokozera kwa zotsatsira Clock Clock Compressive mphamvu zoyeserera makina oyambitsa makina oyambira ssulic Makina oyeserera a Hydraulic amayendetsedwa ndi gwero laukadaulo wa Hydraulic kuti atole ndi kukonza deta yoyeserera. It consists of test host, oil source (hydraulic power source), measurement and control system, and test equipment. , the maximum test force is 2000kN, and the accuracy level of the testing machine is better th...
- Kufotokozera kwa mankhwala FCAO-II zokha ku Calcium oxadium otsekera kwa calcium free calcium oxide (fcao) ndi chizindikiro chofunikira kuti muyeze kuti chipatala. Accurate/rapid determination of fCaO in clinker is particularly important for cement quality control. Chida ichi chimagwiritsa ntchito njira yowunikira kuti mudziwe zomwe zili pa cao, zomwe zimachepetsa zolakwa za m'mbuyomu zopangidwa ndi anthu ndipo zimawongolera kulondola kwa muyeso. The process of measuring the fCaO content takes o...
Makina a simenti & flexral makina oyesera
Kufotokozera kwa CEME CEME CORED & SORERARUME POPHUNZITSIRA MALO OGWIRITSIRA NTCHITO NDIPONSO ZOSAVUTA KWAULERE KWA ZINSINSI ZOPHUNZITSIRA MALO OGULITSIRA NDIPONSO ZOFUNIKIRA ZOTHANDIZA. Mitundu yosiyanasiyana ya mafelemu amapangidwira kugwiritsidwa ntchito mwachindunji: mafelemu onse ali ndi chida chodzitchinjiriza chomwe chimasokoneza chitsimikizocho ataphwanya zokambirana poyesedwa. ... -
Kufotokozera kwa malonda a LIME COMER C-5 SINAMIC FIum Oxium oxide free cal cal calcium oxide ndi chizindikiro chachikulu cha sitemer apamwamba ndi chipatala cha mankhwala othandizira. Chidacho chimagwiritsa ntchito ethylene glycol pochotsa Benzoic acid malangizo a timitengo, pansi pa mphindi 3 zokha kuti adziwe bwino zomwe zalembedwa. It can be used in production control of cement plants, building materials, scienti...