Auto Blaine Aparatus
Product Description SZB-9 type automatic specific surface area measuring instrumentAccording to the requirements of the new standard CBT8074-2008, the company and the National Building Materials Research Institute of Cement and New Materials Institute of Equipment and Equipment Quality Supervision, Inspection and Testing Center developed a new SZB-9 type cement specific surface area automatic measuring instrument. Makinawo amayendetsedwa ndi chip-chip mucrocomputer ndipo amagwiritsidwa ntchito Wi ... -
- Product Description SYH-40Q Standard Mortar Curing Box SYH-40Q standard mortar curing box (can be used for dry shrink curing box)The automatic control function, the inner tank is made of stainless steel, and the dehumidification function is added on the basis of 40B.technical parameter:1. Power supply: AC220V2. Inside dimensions: 700 × 550 x 1100 (mm)3. Trial mode and trial mode capacity:Soft practice test mold: 40 sets of concrete 150x 150 x 150 test blocks = 60 blocks4. C ...
- Product Description Concrete 40B Curing Chamber For Sale Concrete Curing Chamber adopts a box (tank) external circulation method, the test piece placing box is made of high-grade 304 stainless steel material, and the automatic control system adopts industrial computer control, which has a high degree of automation. Kampani yowongolera ndi bokosi la zida zozizira ndi zozizira zimakhazikitsidwa m'nyumba, ndipo bokosi lozizira komanso lotentha limayikidwa m'nyumba. Ili ndi mpweya wabwino -
- Product Description Curing Tank for Concrete Specimens The curing tanks are designed for curing cube and cylinder concrete specimens. Kusungabe kutentha kokhazikika komanso kupewa chinyezi kuchokera ku fanizoli kumaperekedwa m'dongosolo lino. Mitundu yosiyanasiyana monga yachitsulo kapena chitsulo chosapanga dzimbiri zilipo. Amaperekedwa ndi maimidwe, mphezo yofalitsidwa ndi thermostat. It can be fit to standard curing temperature 20 ± 2 °C YSC-104 stainless steel ceme...
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Mafotokozedwe a Zogulitsa Sby-20c, Sby-30c, Sby-40c, 40h, 90h cementi yaukadaulo1. Power supply: AC220V ± 10%2. Inside dimensions: 520 x 450 x 880mm3. Capacity: 20 drawers, each drawer can hold 6 pieces, namely 20 groups.(Soft practice test mold 40 × 40 x 160)4. Constant temperature water: 20 ℃ ± 1 ℃5. Cooling power: 145W6. Heating power: 300W7. Internal circulation fan: 30W8. Kulemera: 130kg9. Working environm...