- Product Description ISO New Standard Cement Mortar Prism Flexural Jig 40mmx40mm cement compression fixture JC / T683-2005In order to ensure the quality of compression fixtures, China has developed the cement compression fixture industry standard JC / T683-2005, which has strict regulations on the technical requirements of cement compression fixtures.According to the regulations, our company has studied and improved after two Zaka zoyesayesa pansi pa kuyesa kwa mgwirizano ndi simenti ya simenti ...
- Product Description Blaine Air Permeability Apparatus/Blaine apparatus This instrument is made according to the ASTM204-80 ventilation method of the United States.The basic principle is measured by using a certain amount of air through different resistances when passing through a compacted powder layer with a certain porosity and a certain thickness. Amagwiritsidwa ntchito kwambiri pamalo ena okhala ndi zinthu zopanda mphamvu monga sime, ma cerasics, abrasi, zitsulo, mwala wa malasha, udzu wa malasha ...
- Product Description DBT-127 Blaine surface area analyzer/Manual Blaine Air Permeability Apparatus This instrument is made according to the ASTM204-80 ventilation method of the United States.The basic principle is measured by using a certain amount of air through different resistances when passing through a compacted powder layer with a certain porosity and a certain thickness. Amagwiritsidwa ntchito kwambiri pamalo ena okhala ndi zinthu zopanda mphamvu monga simenti, ma ceramics, abrasime ...